Here's Kai posing with his new movie from Nana. The Kung Fu Panda sequel...he is all about it!

These are all out of order...oh well, it's late and I'm not going to change it. After the day was over, this is how the kids went to bed. They made a fort in the loft and watched movies and had popcorn and all was giggly and well.

Everybody at Kai's chosen place for his birthday lunch...McDonalds!

His Street Fighter shirt (he can name all the characters, Tom could NOT be prouder...) and his new iron man. We got Jackson a red Iron Man for his birthday, and Kai can't stop playing with it. So we got him the silver one so they can play together. He was so happy!

Posing under his "Kai is 3!" sign, noodle armed.

CHEESE please. Mother moment, here it comes...but seriously, how cute are his little hands, I wish they'd stay that size forever.

Ecstatic about the Bolt characters on his cake. (He sleeps with them, dry frosting and all..)

My baby Ocean...turning 3! We call him "Specials". He really is truly special.


We went to Pump it Up, here's the boys getting ready to go down the big firetruck slide.

Jackson, Ty and Kai ascending...

This one was a real stomach launcher...Jackson was beside himself with anxiety...

Having a good time with the cousins. Kai is really something else. I'm so glad he made it thru his first year of life, (or I should say me, because he screamed the entire first year. Not cried...screamed.) He turned one and it was like this happy, funny, good little boy was unleashed. He honestly makes me laugh hard at least 10 times a day. He is so incredibly smart and witty, his humor amazes me at such a young age. He loves telling jokes...my family has heard some of them probably hundreds of times but we laugh sincerely every time! "Did you get your tickets?" (to what?) "To the gun show!" as he flexes his biceps! and..."Do you know where the vet is?" (no, why?) "'Cause these puppies are sick!" Again, the shaking, intense bicep flex. I love his blonde hair blowing in the wind as he jumps on the trampoline, his favorite thing in all the world. I love his beautiful blue eyes, and I LOVE hearing his footsteps coming into my room to snuggle in the morning. I love you Kai!
Birthday dinner at Red Robin...notice at the end when Kalea asks for the cherry...