Just catching some zzz's with my Baby Ocean. I'm trying to get in as much sleep as possible before baby 4!
Kalea showing off her new hair cut. She was "tired of all the snarls!"
Jackson showing off his buzz cut. Can I have some ham with that cheese?
Me and the kiddos at the temple for the Primary activity. It was our hottest day of the summer yet, so the kids are a little less than excited to pose. "No we can't go swimming in that fountain..."
Maybe someday they will be on this same platform with their spouses...whoa I can't wrap my brain around that one just yet!

Saturday, June 14, 2008
Camping Memorial Day
So I just realized that Tom is hardly ever on here, the sneaky devil, and I want to show him off because he's lost 70 lbs, that's right 7-0. He looks so good, I can't keep my hands off him. I have to get some more pictures of him on here...stay tuned for sexy husband pictures. ANYHWO, so here is the fam camping at Devil's Head over Memorial Day. It was freeeeezing, but lots of fun.
Kai and Mikayla
Jackson and Ty, they may as well have been siamese twins, they are never apart. Here they are proudly displaying the knives Dane carved for them.
Could a fire dept. have a cooler name?
The drama queens, or I guess in this picture they're smoky tree huggers!

Just some cute pictures...
The boys on the trampoline, their very favorite thing in this world...forget Disneyland!
Kai and Katie
Jackson and his best bud cuz Ty.
Dev Dev, Jamie and Dane.
Jackson graduated pre-school with honors! Way to go Jackie! You kicked that alphabet's butt! Sorry, it's a joke in our family, because he can read at like a 3rd grade level already. Well, hello I'm the mom, of course I have to brag. He is just way too smart for his own britches! Even, so, he loved pre-school, and he can't wait for Kindergarten.

Kai and Katie
Kai is trying his darndest to figure out how to blow those two measly candles out, he was receiving "back seat" blowers from behind!
Dane's family got him these sunglasses, and he refused to take them off the rest of the party. He was WAY too cool. Plus his daddy got him these Nike slippers, of course, so pretty much, he felt like a bawler.
A potty! Yay! Now if we could only get him as excited about it as I was...
Sugar from my baby ocean.

Kai turned 2!!
For Kai's 2nd birthday, my mom continued the tradition of the Build-a-Bear trip for each of the grandkids. Kai loved it, and 2 year olds make decisions quickly and easily, so it made it very easy! He chose the name "Happy" for his bear, and he tells everyone that his bear has a "pirates" shirt, which he is very proud of. Thanks for the fun Nana!

He loved the hole in the shorts for the tail. He kept showing everone. My mom put a recording of her voice inside, which he plays all the time, then says, "SEE!! SEE HIM!"
Then we went to visit 'ol Chuckie Cheese, he had a great time, even though he's pretty poker-faced in all these pictures!
The Elmo cake!
He loved the hole in the shorts for the tail. He kept showing everone. My mom put a recording of her voice inside, which he plays all the time, then says, "SEE!! SEE HIM!"
Then we went to visit 'ol Chuckie Cheese, he had a great time, even though he's pretty poker-faced in all these pictures!
The Elmo cake!
Kalea's Field Day 1st Grade
Kalea had a fun field day, much different than how it used to be in my day. If I didn't come home with all blue ribbons I was a disgrace to the Pearce family! They played a lot of fun, not-too-competitive-make-everybody-feel-good games. She is definately an athlete however, she has her parent's genes for sure!
She kept putting the boys team "in jail" by making the shot before them. That's my girl!
We may have a future track star here folks...look at that form!

And Kalea's biggest fan, Kai!

She kept putting the boys team "in jail" by making the shot before them. That's my girl!
Friday, June 6, 2008
My Mother the Orchid
My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer in April. She was devastated by it, but through it all she has shown exceptional courage, resilience and faith. She was compared to an orchid by her sister Wendy. When Wendy and my mom were in Washington D.C. together, they went to the botanical gardens and marveled at the orchids. The flowers are known for not only their unique beauty, but their adaptability to all climates, and their resiliency to adverse conditions. This is exactly like my mom! After losing her brother to cancer recently, she was so scared. Luckily the cancer was caught very early and had not spread. On Tuesday night we had a family dinner together, the brothers and my dad gave her a blessing, we started a fast, then went to a session at the temple. It was the perfect place to be, and she felt a lot of comfort. She underwent a bilateral mastectomy on Wednesday, in which she did marvelously and is already home and doing well. She has tremendous faith and trust in the Lord. She is the very best mom and grandma that anyone could ever hope for, and I'm so glad I have her in my life!
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