This is the girls getting ready for my baby shower. Sadly, it's the only one! I was so occupied with visiting with everyone, that I forgot to take pictures, or ask someone to take them! It was such a nice night though. It was at my friend Shannon's Dickman's house, and my mom and sister-in-laws all helped. Bev made the cutest invitations and the ever-popular pink cake-pops with little "thank you" tabs on them. The food was so yummy and there were cute pink decorations everywhere. There were about 25 people there and it was just perfect. Keani got the cutest things from everyone. I feel so blessed to have such good friends and a loving family that would throw such a fun party for me and Keani. And besides that I've had so much help from everyone while we adjust and I recover! We have had so many yummy meals and my kids have had so many great play dates while I got to rest. I am so lucky! Thank you!
She always has her legs folded up like this, I know she must have been like this inside me.
My little helper