Jett turned 2! He had a fun day. We went to "Nuggets" or McDonald's for lunch with Nana, and his 2 best cousins, Cody and Tali. I will have to get those pictures at McD's from Jamie because I forgot my camera. He loves his chicken nuggets! We also went to Toys R Us to let him pick some toys out. No trucks or balls for this boy, it was DORA all the way! You should have seen him in the Dora aisle, he was literally jumping for joy at every single Dora toy. He's a little OCD, and he loves repetition! So the whole store heard "DOWA!! Nana, mommy, book! (look!) Dowa! Dowa!" for about 45 minutes at the top of his lungs. I thought Tom would never forgive me though if I brought home a Dora doll in a pink dress, so we settled on backpack with a Dora book and miniature Dora doll, a Diego dvd, and a Dora placemat. He was so happy! I love my Jett so much. He is definitely in his "terrible 2's" but I love him to pieces. His killer eyes knock every one over, and his dark curly hair is just so handsome. He has the best expressions and funny sayings. Happy Birthday Bug!

Jett trying to make a "2" with his fingers...
(Click on this one below for a close up of the famous Jett 'lashes!)
Jett trying to make a "2" with his fingers...