So Kalea and I have been excited about "doing up" the new baby girl's room, but then it made me feel guilty that we hadn't really done anything decorative with hers and we've been in the house a year now. I've always seen these letters on walls and thought they were so cute, and so I finally just ordered them without Kalea knowing, and Kai helped me hang them up while she is at school today. She will be so surprised. They look so so cute in there, I keep going by and just gazing at them. I just love her name, and to see it on her wall makes me so happy. Now we just need to get her some cute curtains and it will be so cute. How fun is having a girl? I think I'll have the best of both worlds soon, because I'll have an older girl to go do things with/talk with, etc., and a little baby girl to dress up and do the baby things with. Plus 3 fun boys in between. Good times.
( ps...This furniture and quilt were mine when I was a teenager!)
(pps...And notice the "9" balloon still in her room...When Tom got her balloons for her party, it was a really windy day, and he was coming in the door when the wind blew the door shut right on her 9 balloon, popping it. She was so sad. I was like, my gosh, it's just a balloon, but Dad, being the dragon-slayer, went back and got her another one. She loves that thing!)
(For those that don't's pronounced Kuh-lay-uh. It is hawaiian for "bright." )