Our family of 6!!!!!
Jett Douglas...he looks just like Kalea as a baby...lots of dark hair
Going home
I always forget how tiny they start out!
So Jett Douglas is here. His middle name is after Tom's dad, Norman Douglas. The quickish version of his birth: A week before he was born I went to the hospital with contractions. Found out the baby was breech, contractions stopped, went home. Discussed different options, I didn't feel comfortable with having the baby turned, so we scheduled a c-section for the 29th. A week later, Saturday the 23rd, (Tom and my 9th wedding anniversary) we were at my parents having a last get together with Kasey and Katie before they went back to Utah, I was eating and just started having a bunch of contractions, so we went back to the hospital, where my contractions pretty much stopped. So Tom and I started talking about where we would go on our date for our anniversary, since our kids were already taken care of at Nana and Papa's. But then my doctor checked me and said that I was progressing, but even more worrisome was that she could feel a foot way down in the birth canal, so we needed to deliver as soon as possible! AAH! Talk about an emotional roller coaster! So we called my family to get everyone there asap, and to get our cameras! Before I knew it, Tom was in some sexy scrubs and I was all laid out in the OR. After a lot of pressure and tugging, a little baby looked at me over the blue curtain...he was so cute...and he was finally here! He was 7 lbs, 8 oz, 20 1/2" long. He looks like Kalea with all the dark hair and "beady" eyes, which I'm almost sure will be dark brown. The kids all adore him, he gets showered with kisses all day, some stickier than others. :) Recovering from a c-section hasn't been very fun at all, but he's here safe and sound, and that's all that matters!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Jackson and cousin Ty on the same soccer team...go Tigers!
We threw Katie a baby shower, it was so fun!
The 3 preggos! (I had Jett 2 days later!)
He came via emergency c-section, he was trying to come out feet first!
Jackson made him stop crying by having Jett hold his finger...he was very proud of that!

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